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The concept of web accessibility is simple: have digital content of equal value for all. The complexity comes from the many moving parts online. It is easy to overlook some aspects of digital accessibility.

For example, an online video. A person with hearing impairments needs closed captions or a transcription of the video. Once that is done we’re all set. Right? No, we also need a screen reader version, or audio version, of the visuals. For example, a person with sight impairments needs to understand what is indicated when a narrator in a video says “as you can see from this chart.”

This also needs to be done in a way that gives all consumers of digital content an equalized experience. Content cannot be available to some web visitors with just a click or two, while other web visitors are required to make multiple clicks to gain the same content.

These web pages give an overview of ways you can make your digital content accessible.

Please note, this website is a constant effort in process to provide equal access for all. If you cannot access one or more pages, or have suggestions or questions, please contact me using this form.

Please note that this website is hosted in the USA and complies with American regulations. Those may not be the same regulations as those of other countries.