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A Closer Look at Word Accessibility

The Top Ribbon

Text style options are at the top of the Word document.

Text style options are at the top of the Word document.


Right click on an image to add alt-text. 

Choose “edit alt text” from the pop-up menu.

Right click on an image to add alt-text. Choose "edit alt text" from the pop-up menu.

Adding Hyperlinks

To add a hyperlink, highlight the link text, and then click on “insert” in the top menu.

To add a hyperlink, highlight the link text, and then click on "insert" in the top menu.

Choose “Insert Link” option to add a link to the text.

Choose "Insert Link" option to add a link to the text.

Choose to link to a “web page” and enter the URL, then click on “OK.”

Choose to link to a "web page" and enter the URL, then click on OK.

Checking Your Work

Option 1:

Use the top help bar.

Type “Accessibility” and the checker will activate.

Type "accessibility" where it states "Tell me what you want me to do."

Option 2:

Use the File Tab

Accessibility can be checked by clicking on "file" on the far left tab of Word.

The File tab has an Accessibility Checker.

Choose "Inspect Document" and then "Check Accessibility."

The Accessibility Checker Results

The checker will indicate areas that need updating for accessibility.

In this example, the checker has found the image needs alt-text.

Word will highlight each area needing attention as you click on each item in the list.

Word's Accessibility Checker indicates this photo needs alt-text.